10 such astronomical events that you will see only once in your life
In the universe, astronomical events happen every day, but some of those events are known to us, but most of the events are not known to us.
Astronomers around the world keep a close eye on these events to find out what is happening in the universe.
These scientists are always watching the shallow trajectory of astronomical events in the universe. But there are some such incidents which happen only once in a century.
Today I will tell you about 10 such astronomical events which are going to happen in our future.
All these events will happen only once in your life time and you will be able to see it only once in your life time.
10 such astronomical events that you will see only once in your life
10. Halley's commet
The comet named Halley was named after the scientist Edmund Halley. Edmund discovered this comet in 1531.
This comet orbits our sun once every 75 years. When this comet comes close to our earth, it can be seen with its own eyes without any telescope circling the sun.
The last time the Halley comet circled the sun was in 1986 and it was closest to us in this year.
Next time it will revolve around the sun in 2061 and come closer to us. The comet is 9 miles in length and 5 miles in width. And it comes close to us circling the sun for 46 million miles.
When it is close to us and when we see with our eyes, we see a long streak behind it and this sight is wonderful in itself. If you are a child now, you will be able to see it only once in your life in 2062.
9. Near Earth Asteroid flyby
In April 2029, a large-sized Asteroid will pass between the Earth and the Moon. When scientists first discovered about it in 2004, scientists said that it could hit the Earth and its collision could cause heavy damage.
But later on this asteroid 99942 Apophis was deeply studied and it was found that it would not hit the Earth but would pass between the Earth and the Moon.
When it passes through the Earth's orbit in 2029, its distance will be 31000 kilometers from us and many space craft orbiting the earth at the same distance. The size of this asteroid is 340 meters. For the first time, an asteroid of such a large size will pass close to the earth and we will be able to lift it.
8. Total Solar Eclipse
By the way, every year there is a solar eclipse somewhere. But this solar eclipse occurring in 2027 is most different and prominent.
The time of complete solar eclipse is 2 to 3 minutes. But the solar eclipse on July 16, 2186 will be the longest solar eclipse in the world in the last 10,000 years.
This full solar eclipse will last for 7 minutes and 28 seconds. However, to see the longest solar eclipse in 10 thousand years, in 2186, none of us will be alive. Therefore, we will not be able to see the longest solar eclipse.
But in the whole 10 thousand years, we will be able to see the second largest solar eclipse, because this solar eclipse will be seen on 2 August 2027.
Friends, this is also not a minor time. This too will be seen for the entire 6 minutes and 22 seconds. Such a long eclipse to the Sun is not an ordinary thing and this eclipse will be seen in almost every corner of the world in full or in part.
7. Supernova
When a star reaches the end of its life, it collapsing on its own and then has a terrible explosion and this explosion is considered to be the most dangerous in the whole universe, called supernova.
It was last seen on 23 February 1987 in a star explosion. Which was named suoernova 1987 A.
According to scientists, a bigger supernova can be seen in the next 50 years. With the help of an ordinary telescope, this giant supernova can also be seen during the day and at night it can also be seen with open eyes.
6. Venus Occults Jupiter
The last encounter of venus and jupiter was about 200 years ago in 1818. And venus and jupiter are about to face each other once again. On 22 November 2065, venus and jupiter will come face to face.
Usually this is not seen but we will be able to see this incident sometime before sunrise on this day. This historical astronomical event can only be seen with the help of telescope.
5. Leonid Meteor Shower
This mysterious astronomer incident was first revealed in 1833. This event occurs every 33 years. This incident is called Leonid Meteor Shower. When many asteroids enter the gravitational attraction of the Earth, then Meteor Shower happens.
This is the event when you can see a lot of stars falling apart. This whole incident is like a shower of breaking of many stars. Next time this incident will be seen in 2031.
4. Planetary Alignment
It is a very rare occurrence of all the planets in the Solar System. And such an event is going to happen 472 years from today, when the eight planets will come in a straight line.
6 May 2492, All planets will come in a row. But none of us will live to see this historical event till that time.
But friends, do not lose heart. In the year 2040, you can see five planets in a straight line on eight planets. On 8 September 2040, Jupiter Saturn Mars Vince and Mercury will come together in a straight line. It will be a historical event in itself and it will not cause any holocaust on the earth.
3. Transit of Earth from Mars
For the first time in the 21st century, the Earth will pass between Mars and the Sun. From 10 November 2084, the Earth passed through Mars and the Sun.
Till date, no human has gone to Mars. But if before 2084 we humans reach Mars and if we are there at that time then we will be able to see the Earth passing between Mars and Sun.
This is exactly the same as in an eclipse. Just like the moon comes between the sun and the earth, the earth will come between Mars and the sun and in this situation our earth from Mars will look like a small black color while passing in front of the sun.
After 2084, this incident will occur again in 2394.
2. Supermoon
The supermoon was seen in November 2016, when the moon was 14% larger than its normal size.
Before 2016, the moon with such a large size was seen in 1948. Such an event will happen again on 6 December 2052 when we will be destined to see the biggest moon of the 21st century.
In 2052, this moon will be closest to the Earth and this moon will reflect more light than usual.
1. Sedna will be rich to perihelion
A small sow planet called Sedna is orbiting our sun. But this circle is in oval shape. When it reaches closest to the sun it is called perihelion and when it goes farthest it is called uphelion.
When Sedna is closest to the sun, then the distance between it and the sun is 97 aestronomical units. How far this distance is, you can guess from this that 97 aestronomical units are 3.5 times more than the distance between the sun and Pluto.
That is, when it is closest to the sun, then the distance between it and the sun is about 20 billion kilo meters and when it is the farthest from the sun, then the distance between it and the sun is 937 aestronomical units. That is, more than 200 billion kilometers.
It takes about 11400 years to make one round of the sun and in 2076 this miniature planet is going to come closest to its perihelion i.e. sun and this will be the time for us to know about this mysterious dwarf planet.
Till date, we have not found that Sedna is built from our own solar system or it is part of another system and the gravity of our solar system is trapped in the force.
The distance between it and the Sun is incredible. And how and what the surface of the planet is made of is also not known.
Out of all these events in the future, which event was the most exciting to you, please tell me by commenting.