How to win people's heart and establish a good relationship

How to win people's heart and establish a good relationship

How to win people's heart and establish a good relationship

Whether it is a war or a debate, many methods are tried to win-defeat, Sama-Dam-Dand-Bheda, efforts are made to bow down the front in some way, but nothing is done to win the heart, nothing.

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Even if he conquered other's kingdom, wealth and property, but did not find a place in his heart, what did he achieve after getting it? Be it your own or your enemies, try to win their hearts by leaving the external victory and defeat, then that will be the true victory, your real victory, but keep in mind that this should not be done for sycophancy or for any selfishness or with a view to deceive the front .

1. Listen to him in full

Now-a-days everyone just has to speak their point, present their side and get their own point of view, TV. News-anchors fighting on channels, be it pros and cons or relatives or any kind of rival, everyone is just their own, but if you want to get a good place for yourself in the heart of others, then listen to it completely, without judge. Listen mentally, not only listen but also understand.

It also has its own independent importance, understand this fact yourself and experience it too. If the person in front is sad about something, then if you listen to him openly, then the burden of his mind will reduce anyway. Do not allow anger or irritability to arise while stating your point, while presenting your point of view or disagreeing with his point of view.


Even if the difference of opinion is not being resolved in any subject, then limit that difference to that subject, do not allow it to dominate the overall relationship, do not let the differences or estrangement arise, and anyway why the question of victory and defeat. to make ! If you win your heart by losing in debate, then by winning estrangement, that defeat is better.

2. Do your work by asking others

I all know that you should break the swagger and discuss with others, you are not omniscient. Dattatreya had twenty-four gurus, including animals and birds. Anyone can teach something or the other if there is a desire to learn. If you do work by asking acquaintances or strangers in front, then he will feel familiarity, his interest will arise in you and knowledge of both will increase through mutual dialogue.

If you rise above the self-made pattern of likes and dislikes, you will see a lot of good things that have remained unseen till now. This will also increase the value of the people who come in contact with you, they will consider themselves useful to others (here you). It would be better to get to know the experiences, innovations etc. of elders and young people than to get up after stumbling on your own.

3. Incorporate meaning into their lives

If a person finds his life meaningful and sees some positivity in activities, then interest also arises and life expectancy also increases. Such as tree plantation, gardening, animal husbandry, keeping squirrels and pigeons free in the house, solving the problems of others, etc., should be done and done. In this subject, definitely read the article titled 41 Paths to the Meaning of Life.

4. Make them aware of their latent abilities

It may be that the person in front knows painting or he may have an old hobby of embroidery-weaving in the form of relics or he has a desire to visit the pilgrimage site, then you should take his such suppressed but good desires in the direction of realization, Bring embroidery-knitting material and ask him to teach me.

Sometimes education, sometimes job, sometimes between the responsibilities of mother-in-law and sometimes in the upbringing of children, the hidden talents of most of the people reach to the verge of dying, which can be reawakened by them and the people around them. Remove this feeling from their mind - "I do not know anything special, do you know whether anyone will like it or not!

Anyway, it is not necessary that everything should be liked by everyone and it is not that everything should be seen from the point of view of buying and selling. Why change or suppress your expression when expressing yourself to see how others will feel, thinking about the reactions of others.

5. Refrain from protesting without talking

Why do you allow external issues to come in the way of your relationship that have nothing to do with both of you?

Who will win the bar of the two political parties now, which opinion is right or wrong in any issue, what do you mean by all this, keep your life simple and the person in front said earth then you say sky, he said day, you night Just say, eliminate such habit. Human beings have made it like human nature to oppose, that everywhere and even without talking, people sit down to organize groups like enemy countries or take out the swords of bitterness.

Why thus unnecessarily allow various mental impediments and barriers to come in the way of your relationship? Either say yes to the other person (if you really want to agree) and protest softly and if the person in front also wants to discuss, "whether we agree in the outcome of the discussion of this subject or not, it should be done in our own hands." Start the discussion after joint and verbal declaration that the sweetness of the relationship will not come in the way.

Many times it must have happened that both are speaking the same thing but due to difference in manner. Due to the emphasis on the aspect, there seems to be a contradiction, which in vain seem to contradict each other. Tie the knot to this ultimate truth that we all are actually non-dual, being a part of that one God, duality is only felt. Sometimes because of ignorance and sometimes because of ignorance.

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